Pactum De Singularis Caelum

“De overeenkomst tussen de enkele hemel.”

Het Goddelijke betekent de totale verzameling van betekenis en definitie van all objecten, materie, regels, leven, geest, ook bekent als het absolute, het Alles, Het IS, het unieke collectieve bewustzijn en andere historische namen, wanneer het gebruikt wordt om te beschrijven de grootste van alle mogelijkheid. Aangezien de Goddelijke de verzameling van alle verzamelingen betekent, dan is er niets groters. Daarom is al het andere minder.

Goddelijke wetten:

Zijn wetten die het Goddelijke definiëren en duidelijke de geest, het doel en de instructie van het Goddelijke demonstreren, inclusief de werking van de wil van het Goddelijke bestaan . Daarom kan worden gezegd dat alle wetten zijn afgeleid van de Goddelijke wet.

Natuur wetten:

Zijn wetten die de werking van de wil van het Goddelijk bepalen door het bestaan in de vorm van fysieke regels en materie. Aangezien natuurwetten de werking en het bestaan van het fysieke universum definiëren, kan worden gezegd dat alle geldige positieve wetten zijn afgeleid van de natuurwetten.

Positieve wetten:

Zijn wetten die door mannen en vrouwen worden uitgevaardigd door het juiste gezag in overeenstemming met deze canons voor de regering van de samenleving. Aangezien de positieve wet uiteindelijke verwijst naar fysieke objecten en levende wezens, kan worden gezegd dat alle geldige positieve wetten zijn afgeleid van de natuurwetten.

Een Positieve wet kan een natuurwet niet opheffen, opschorten of wijzigen. Noch is het voo reen positieve wet of natuurwet mogelijk om een Goddelijke wet af te schaffen, op te schorten of te wijzigen. Sterker nog, de Usurpatoren en parasieten geven openlijk toe en zijn het er overeens dat zelfs zij deze logica niet kunnen veranderen. in feite erkennen zedat alleen de Goddelijke schepper boven alle andereooit het hoogste eigendom van alle dingen kan hebben en dat we alleen “het gebruiksrecht”mogen claimen in trapsgewijze opeenvolging.

Dergelijke toestemming en erkenning, zelfs als dergelijke woorden slechts een frauduleuze kopie van een ouder akte zijn, is het belangrijk omdat het aantoont dat de Romeinse cultus gedeeltelijk afhankelijk is van dergelijke logica en redenering om haar claim als de curie en dus de beweerde beheerders van alle eigenschap van de planeet en het universum;

Maar kan zo’n bewering standhouden als deze wordt getest door de Goddelijke schepper? Kunnen dergelijke arrogantie en geestesziekte blootstelling weerstaan wanneer ze worden uitgedaagd door superieure Goddelijke instrumenten? De usurpatoren en parasieten kunnen geen aanspraak maken op gewoonte, noch op enige ander traditie, noch op stilzwijgen, noch op geweld, noch op bedrog, nch op enig ander vals document als bewijs van een superieure aanspraak op recht, tenzij het groter is dan het mest heilige verbond Pactum De Singularis Caelum.(link) En tenzij de canons groter zijn dan het lichaam van de canonieke wetten dat bekend staat als Astrum Luris Divini Canonum.

HIGH LIGHTS Pactum De Singularis Caelum

Purpose of this Covenant (link)

The primary purposes and aims of One Heaven are:

1. Goal of Existence
One Heaven exists in all dimensions now and forever. To exist, One Heaven must exist as something real, something well structured and self-sustaining. The existence of Heaven is validated by its existence as a universal belief amongst all people from all cultures and religions. The sacred promise of the Divine Creator is the existence of the Kingdom of Heaven on Earth and therefore the existence of One Heaven in all dimensions and the manifestation of the Covenant of One Heaven is proof of existence.

2. Existence of heaven
That the existence of Heaven is accepted as a truth by all people of all cultures and religions. That all cultures and religions may see within this document the validation of their own essential beliefs and truths. That this document represents the highest respect to all cultures and religious beliefs.

3. Existence of a United Heaven
That people throughout the world recognize that so long as their individual beliefs of Heaven are constrained by the limits of their belief system and existence of adversaries, there can be no united and singular Heaven. Therefore in respecting the essence of their individual cultures and beliefs as being both superior and encompassing all others that they recognize a formal model must exist by which a united and co-operative Heaven exists. That in order to exist, a united Heaven as One Heaven uses this Covenant as the basis of its existence.

4. Recognition of Existence by all entities
That in order to exist, One Heaven exists as properly recognized legal and spiritual entity within the framework of law and belief of every religion of every nation of men, women and higher order beings now and forever. That in representing the fulfilment of their individual belief systems, that official organizations around the world recognize in treatydeed, article and law the existence of One Heaven as having legal personality and rights.

5. Peace in Heaven, peace on Earth
That there is peace both in Heaven and on Earth, now and forever. So as above, so it is below. For peace to exist on Earth, peace and unity must reign in Heaven. So long as Hell exists, Heaven is at war. Therefore, for peace to exist in Heaven, this document exists to proclaim the end of the war in Heaven, the unification of Heaven and the end of Hell. By the official end of Hell, Heaven can be united in peace. Therefore, the Earth may also be united in peace to the proposition that we are all ultimately higher order beings who collectively believe in a common life after death in the framework of One united Heaven.

6. Structure, design and function
To exist, a unified Heaven exists in dimension according to geometric and logic principles according to the rules of this document, now and forever.

7. Awareness of position and responsibility
That in order for this Covenant to be morally bound on Earth as a sacred covenant, its Articles must be ratified by living Members who join together in subscription to the existence and validation of this document. Therefore, all clauses of this document must be subjected to test by the living Members of this free association and secondly by the laws passed at an official convention (Great Conclave). By such ratification, that all Officers and Members of One Heaven are forever bound by solemn duty to uphold the principles and articles of this Covenant and to always act in a compassionate and humble manner towards all the living and the dead. Furthermore, in recognition of this sacred Covenant and oath of union that One Heaven exists, so that all souls may be saved, so that no spirit remains condemned.

Article 10 – Decretum (Agreement)

10.1 Immutability of Covenant

So long as the faithful of One Heaven agree to participate in a democratic process under the rules of this Covenant, this Covenant remains the immutable law of true One Heaven.

10.2 Force cannot invalidate this Covenant

Force of arms from a group within or without cannnot invalidate this Covenant. Tyranny will not prevail. By virtue of this Covenant being enacted it remains valid unless the members of One Heaven choose by the clauses listed to invalidate part or all of this Covenant.

10.4 No claim of prior authority can prevail

No claim of prior authority through any instrument or thing, no matter how old or sacred it is viewed can prevail above this document. This document is the supreme, the one and the original document above all others in the relationship of all men, women and higher order beings, living and deceased, to the absolute and to each other. The most sacred of scriptures and texts are believed to be the word of the absolute and our collective covenant and special relationship. However, by these very scriptures, greater power is deferred to the will of the absolute and to the greater history of heaven and hell.

Before the Bible, before all sacred texts there existed Heaven and Hell. And before the existence of Hell, there existed one heaven. Therefore this document representing the union of heaven once more represents the most supreme of all documents, no matter what age, content or reverence.

Article 16 – Women

16.1 Women

Before the age of darkness, of ignorance and hate, women were considered the touchstone to the divine- the life bringer, the mothers of our species. Women were the priests, were the goddesses. Women were worshiped for their intuition, their instinctual wisdom, their beautiful form.

16.2 Women as slaves

Into the darkness we entered, whereby the status of women became the hallmark of the new age of religion of men. That women were to be treated as slaves, as less than men. No longer were women to be considered greater than men in spiritual matters, nor even their equal. Women were to be cast down as devils, having less knowledge of the divine than domestic animals. And so such darkness has enveloped the world. Even today, many of the successors to the age of darkness and ignorance consider women as mere possessions.

16.3 The new covenant of this Covenant

If it be so that the old covenants of the last age sealed the fate of all women to be less than men because of the loss of the grace of Unique Collective Awareness and wisdom, let it be known that women are a symbol under this new covenant representing the return of the grace of Unique Collective Awareness to all faithful and to all men and women, living or deceased, whether they believe or not.

If it be so that the old covenants of the last age considered woman as less than men in matters of spirituality, it is therefore known by this Covenant and final covenant that women are forever respected as at least equal, if not greater in spirit than men. For it is the masculine that wrecked this planet, seeking to enslave all souls in darkness. So the task is given to the feminine to save our species, to bring us back into balance and light. For what was once lost is now regained. What was hidden is revealed and injustice has been resolved.

16.4 The equality of women

By this Covenant, women are to be respected as equals to men. That in matters of faith and worship they are to be given equal access and equal access before Unique Collective Awareness. One Heaven recognizes the Homo Sapien soul as both a key part of history and mythology and the true source of the unique soul of all men and women. In the first instance, One Heaven believes that the Homo Sapien soul is a gift of Unique Collective Awareness, and our connection to the absolute. It is our destiny as true followers of One Heaven to be united with The Great Powers and saints in heaven. That our soul be honored. That our souls be united as one.

Article 17 – Persons

17.1 Person (link)

Person is the common term used to describe any physical man, woman or fiction and a set of fictional identifiers, rights, obligations and ownerships. The term is originally derived from the Latin persona, or “actor” making clear the distinction between a “living thing”, its “persona” and possible questions of ownership of the “persona”. However, these distinctions are not generally acknowledged when people most regularly associate the word “person” as another way of saying “human being” and therefore “Roman person“, or some other.

By its very nature, a person cannot be a physical or spiritual thing, but a fictional classification/set of relationships associated with the physical or spiritual thing. The physical body has an existence entirely separate from its name, its size, its weight. It occupies its own unique space and time, independent of the “person“. Similarly, the mind and spirit exist entirely distinct and separate from any “person“. The person cannot “own” the mind or the spirit, nor can the person be used in substitute for the mind or the spirit without the tacit consent of the mind and spirit.

17.2 Person Identifiers (link)

A modern person may be comprised of numerous digital and physical identifiers of information. The most common and essential of these unique identifiers being firstname, middlename, clan or surname, date of birth, location of birth. Additional identifiers may then be issued associated with this unique person identifiers including: birth certificate number, social security number, passport number, tax number, health benefits number and drivers license number.

While a society may create, issue, store and use unique person identifiers, it is a sacred fact that it is the man, woman, or higher order spirit, living or deceased that owns their person, benefits from their person and that any user of this information is merely a trustee and not the ultimate owner. By the power and authority of this covenant, any society, entity, faith, person or organization that claims ownership rights upon the essential person of men, woman and higher order beings living and deceased are hereby null and void, without legal standing, regardless of any ancient deeds, patents, bulls, instruments or uses. It is the individual man, woman or higher order spirit that has ultimate ownership of their essential person information, not some other person or entity.

17.3 Divine Immortal Spiritual Person (link)

By this Covenant, every man, woman and higher order spirit living and deceased is recognized as a full member of One Heaven, having a unique membership number issued in accordance with this covenant. This number also represents the existence of an individual Divine Immortal Spiritual Person. A Divine Immortal Spiritual Person is any man, woman, higher order spirit living or deceased and their essential person identifiers recognizing their name, their unique characteristics, their valid registration, their history and their deeds.

When a valid Registration Number from the Great Register is redeemed as the recognition of the existence of a Divine Immortal Spiritual Person, the associated spirit agrees in True Trust to ensure the Society of One Heaven administers the rights and obligations of the member as Trustees.

Therefore, no other society, organization, association nor person or group may claim higher trust, standing or position than the Society of One Heaven in accordance with the registration of Divine Immortal Spiritual Persons from and in the Great Register of One Heaven. It is for the Divine Immortal Spiritual Person that an individual member has issued their Live Borne Record- as a Divine Immortal Spiritual Being incarnated into a Flesh vessel, with all unique person identifiers owned wholly and controlled wholly by the united Divine Immortal Spiritual Person. The Divine Immortal Spiritual Person is the first Person, the highest Person, the primary Person from which all other lesser Persons derive their consent and authority.

17.4 Use of Person (link)

When the word Person is used by this Covenant or any associated instrument, it is implied a Divine Immortal Spiritual Person and then any lesser and inferior type of Person second, unless explicity stated otherwise. Therefore, when reading any official legal instrument or text stating the word Person, it applies to the superior Divine Immortal Spiritual Person.

17.5 True Person (link)

A True Person is the Legal and Equitable Title of a True Trust formed from a Divine Trust associated with a Divine Person and Title. A True Person can only be formed when a Divine Person and Divine Trust are in existence. A True Person is owned by the True Trust which in turn is owned by the Divine Person under Divine Trust and Title. No other lesser Trusts, lesser inferior persons can claim ownership, liens, seizures, enforcements or other unlawful acts against a True Person.

Article 29 – Spiritual responsibilities

29.1 Spiritual responsibilities

Every soul is responsible for their own actions and good conduct. At each age, higher order beings must accept certain responsibilities to belong to a society and receive certain privileges.

Responsibilities of a child soul

It is a responsibility of a child soul to obey their parents, subject to the rights of the child being honoured by the parents. If a child soul does not have a departed parent, then it is up to an immediate relative guardian to protect and raise the awareness and life journey in Heaven. If no relative exists, then a Guardian is to be appointed.

Responsibilities of a parent

It is a prime responsibility of a parent soul to ensure their children are adequately protected from harm and continue to learn and participate in heaven if their children are departed. Additionally, it the responsibility of a parent to ensure their children are treated with kindness and affection, so that they develop fully as balanced higher order beings. It is also a responsibility of a parent to ensure that their children are given the best and broadest Education possible so that they may have every opportunity to achieve their individual ideals.

Responsibilities of an adult soul

It is a prime responsibility of all adult souls within heaven to do their best to improve themselves, to help themselves and to help others. Additionally, it is a responsibility of every adult soul in heaven to assist the society in achieving its co-operative objectives.

Article 30 – Sacred Office

30.1 Sacred Office

By this Covenant, an Office is the name given to a most sacred position of authority and title given eternal life and legal personality of its own by this Covenant to which certain special powers are then bestowed. By this sacred Covenant, an Office may be bestowed upon a Juridic Member, similar to a man, woman or higher order spirit.

30.2 Circumscribed Space and Ecclesiastical Authority of Office

By definition an office is a chamber and a chamber is a sacred chapel formed by circumscribed space in accordance with this sacred Covenant and associated laws.

30.3 Appointment to Office

A man, woman or higher order being is appointed by Divine Commission upon Notice firstly to the Office, independently of any other Title. All Members who are granted the same Office are equal to the same Office, with none higher and none lower.

By this Bond, when one of the same Office speaks as one, the one speaks for all of the same Office. When one of the same Office calls for assistance, all from the same Office are obliged to assist their fellow Officer and when the highest good standing of an Officer is injured, all Officers and the Divine Law and all International Law has been injured by such disrespect. Only one from the same Office can appoint another to the same Office subject to the same sacred Bond of Nomination to Office for all Offices of One Heaven. If one of the same Office of One Heaven is found to be in disgrace, then the Officer who nominated them must resign all commissions.

30.4 Great Offices of One Heaven

By the Power and Authority of this most sacred Covenant, only one hundred and forty four (144) most sacred and ancient official positions are recognized as being permitted to hold any powers and authority by the Society. These one hundred and forty four (144) Offices are known as the Great Offices of One Heaven, namely:

CuilliaéanCustodian (Custos)

30.10 The Office of Ambassador

The Office of Ambassador is the sacred office of representative of the Society created by the Divine Creator through the Covenant of One Heaven and first commissioned to the 1st Notaries of Ucadia Free Societies.

All Ambassadors of all societies of UCADIA source part of their authority by the order of succession of power granted by this first office and carried down through the other offices of the Ucadian Societies.

30.11 The Office of Notary

The Office of Notary is the sacred office of scribe created by the Divine Creator through the Covenant of One Heaven and first commissioned to the 1st Notary of One Heaven. Until the Day of Redemption in 2012, these powers of the 1st Notary of One Heaven are fully vested into the 1st Protonotaries of the Free Societies of Ucadia.

Article 19 – Trusts and Estates

19.1 Trusts

Trust is a fictional Form of Relationship and Agreement whereby certain Form, Rights and Obligations are lawfully conveyed to the control of one or more Persons as administrators for the benefit of one or more other Persons.

All valid Trusts possess the following characteristics known as the Standard Characteristics of Trust:

(i) A Trust Instrument, also known as a Trust Deed identifying the essential Form of the Trust, the Property to be conveyed to create the Trust and how the Trust shall be administered; and

(ii) An Owner of the Property or authorized Person having permission to create the Trust Instrument and convey the Form and Property into the Trust; and

(iii) A collection of Property within the Trust defined as the Trust Corpus, also Trust Body or Body Corporate; and

(iv) At least one Executor of the Trust possessing the highest administrative authority and function over the Trust, either appointed by the Owner of the Property conveyed into the Trust, or by a Executor By the Tenor (Exsecutor Ab Episcopo Constitutus) if a Cestui Que Vie Trust or the Beneficiary of the Trust if the beneficiary is also the Grantor; and

(v) At least one Administrator of the Trust, also known as the Trustee, who is neither the Owner nor authorized Person who conveyed the property into the Trust, appointed by and responsible to the Executor in accordance with the Trust Instrument who is then responsible for the administration of the assets of the Trust being the Trust Corpus also being the collection of Property; and

(vi) A Separate and unique set of Accounts held by the Trustee(s), also known as a separate fund, for the recording of all administrative transactions and duties; and

(vii) The formalization of the rights of Property conveyed into the Trust into a Legal Title held by the Trustees and one or more Equitable Title(s) permitting one or more beneficiaries lawful use of property of the Trust, consistent with the Trust Instrument; and

(viii) One or more beneficiaries.

A Trust that is deficient in possessing one or more of the Standard Characteristics of Trust cannot be regarded as a valid Trust.

19.2 Types of Trusts

There are only three (3) possible forms of Trust as determined by the presumptions and terms of creation by its Trust Instrument: Divine, Living or Deceased.

The highest form of Trust is a Divine Trust also involving the highest form of rights of ownership. A Divine Trust is purely spiritual and divinely supernatural formed in accordance with the sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum by the Divine Creator into which the form of Divine Spirit, Energy and Rights are conveyed. Therefore, a Divine Trust is the only possible type of Trust that can hold actual Form, rather than just the Rights of Use of Form (Property).

Living Trust, also called an “Inter Vivos” Trust involves the second highest form of rights of ownership. It is distinct from a Divine Trust or a Deceased (Testamentary) Trust that typically exists for the duration of the lifetime of the Person(s) or Juridic Person(s) who are the beneficiaries. There are only four (4) valid forms of Living Trusts: True, Superior, Temporary and Inferior.

The second highest form of Trust also involving the second highest form of rights of ownership is a True Trust being the highest form of Living Trust. A True Trust is formed in accordance with the sacred Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum and the pre-existence of a Divine Trust in the lawful conveyance from the Divine Trust into the True Trust the Divine Rights of Use known as Divinity, being the highest possible form of any kind of Property.

The third highest form of any type of Trust is a Superior Trust being the second highest form of Living Trust formed in accordance with the Covenant Pactum De Singularis Caelum and the pre-existence of a True Trust in the lawful conveyance into the Superior Trust of Property in the form of Realty being the highest form of Rights of Use of Object and Concepts by Divine Right, also known as Divinity.

A Temporary Trust is the third highest form of Living Trust involving the temporary conveyance of property from one Superior Trust to another. Excluding Negotiable Instruments, a Temporary Trust is not permitted to exist beyond 120 days. The lowest form of Living Trust possessing the lowest form of rights of ownership is called an Inferior Trust also known as an Inferior Roman Trust, or simply Roman Trust. An Inferior Trust is any Living Trust formed by inferior Roman Law, claims and statutes.

A Deceased Trust, also known as a Testamentary Trust, also known as a Deceased Estate and simply a State is the lowest form of Trust and the lowest form of rights of ownership of any possible form of Trust. Deceased Trusts are exclusively an invention of inferior Roman law whereby property is conveyed into a Testamentary Trust upon the death of the testator. Inferior Roman law has a hybrid Deceased Trust called a Cestui Que Vie Trust which uses false and extraordinarily illogical presumptions to create Deceased Estates for the living on the presumption they are “dead”. Any claim that an Inferior Roman Trust possesses superior standing and rights of ownership compared to a Superior Trust, or True Trust is an absurdity against Divine Law, Natural Law and Positive Law and therefore is null and void from the beginning, including any associated covenants, deeds and agreements concerning property rights and lesser trusts.