Canons of positive law / Canonum De lus Positivum

Part of the Canonum De Los Positivum:

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Article 92 – Canons of Positive Law

92.1 Canons of Positive Law

By this most sacred Covenant, the Canons of Positive Law are formed, also known as Canonum De Ius Positivum. All standards of Law as it pertains to Positive Law are subject to inclusion in the Canon of Positive Law.

92.2 Primary and only true 1st Canon of Positive Law

The Canonum De Ius Positivum represents the primary, one and only true 1st canon of Positive Law. Excluding this Covenant, all other laws, claims and agreements claiming standards of Positive Law shall be secondary and inferior to the Canonum De Ius Positivum ab initio (from the beginning).

Any law, court orders, opinions or other quasi legal claim that contradicts this most sacred fact, or contradicts one or more clauses contained within Canonum De Ius Positivum shall be ispo facto null and voided from the beginning.

92.3 Structure of Canon of Positive Law

The Canon of Positive Law, also known as Canonum De Ius Positivum is structured into One (1) Book, which in turns is divided into Chapters, which in turn are divided into articles and then one or more Canons within each article.

The major Chapters of the Canon of Positive Law shall be:

I. Introductory Provisions
II. Form
III. Rights
IV. Consensus
V. Occurrence
VI. Argument
VII. Law

Article 289 – Force

Canon 3165
Force, is either valid lawful compulsion by authority to perform or refrain from certain actions or unlawful violence. When properly authorized, force is also known as “enforcement”.

Canon 3166
The word force comes from the Latin fortis meaning “strong, sturdy, brave or resolute”.

Canon 3167
In the absence of proper authority, no use of force by an official is lawful.

Canon 3168
No order has authority, therefore no enforcement is lawful unless it is in accord with these Canons.

Canon 3169
Enforcement is unlawful unless the obligation sought to be enforced is clearly defined by some valid deed and the person to whom the enforcement is directed has previously consented to perform the obligation. Enforcement is always unlawful if sought against any implied obligation, or claimed secret agreement.

Canon 3170
Fraud of agreement and agreement negates any claim of valid enforcement. Fraud of consent by failure to disclose or deliberate concealment negates any claim of enforcement.

Canon 3171
Valid enforcement of Statute law is equivalent to enforcement of Contract Law, Trust Law and Property Rights.

Canon 3172
The issue of an order itself does not make authorized enforcement.

Canon 3173
Any military, police or other armed person that unlawfully enforces an illegal order, consents and assumes all liability and penalty.

Canon 3174
Any military rank that unlawfully enforces an illegal order consents and agrees that they no longer possess any honor, valid rank nor code and are nothing more than a criminal militia force.

Canon 3175
Any military or police that refuses to obey a lawful order of enforcement issued by an Official Person in accordance with these Canons is guilty of treason, extreme dishonor and consents and agrees to any and all punishment and disgrace