Canons of Fiducairy Law

Article 96 – Canons of Fiduciary Law

96.1 Canons of Fiduciary Law

By this most sacred Covenant, the Canons of Fiduciary Law are formed, also known as Canonum De Ius Fidei. All standards of Divine Law as it pertains to Fiduciary Law are subject to inclusion in the Canon of Fiduciary Law.

96.2 Primary and only true 1st Canon of Fiduciary Law

The Canonum De Ius Fidei represents the primary, one and only true 1st canon of Fiduciary Law. Excluding this Covenant, all other laws, claims and agreements claiming standards of Fiduciary Law shall be secondary and inferior to the Canonum De Ius Fidei ab initio (from the beginning).

Any law, court orders, opinions or other quasi legal claim that contradicts this most sacred fact, or contradicts one or more clauses contained within Canonum De Ius Fidei shall be ispo facto null and voided from the beginning.

96.3 Structure of Canon of Fiduciary Law

The Canon of Fiduciary Law, also known as Canonum De Ius Fidei is structured into One (1) Book, which in turns is divided into Chapters, which in turn are divided into articles and then one or more Canons within each article. The major Chapters of the Canon of Fiduciary Law shall be:

I. Introductory Provisions
II. Office
III. Officer
IV. Mandate
V. Deed
VI. Acknowledgment
VII. Agreement
VIII. Obligation
IX. Perfection
X. Ordinance (Statutes)
XI. Adjudication
XII. Equity

Article 6 – Integrity

Canon 7018
Integrity is one of the eight standard characteristics required of a Trustee being the possession of a
strict moral or ethical code as exemplified by the trinity of virtue (Good Faith, Good Character and
Good Conscience).

Canon 7019
The word Integrity is derived from the Latin word integritas meaning “soundness, correctness, purity,
whole and chaste”.

Canon 7020
Integrity means a Trustee is obligated to honestly, faithfully and dutifully follow and execute the
purpose of the Trust as defined by its terms and conditions as expressed in the Instrument of

Canon 7021
Under the character of Integrity, a Fiduciary is forbidden to act in any following manner:
(i) To exert influence or pressure upon the Trustor; or
(ii) To threaten or intimidate a Beneficiary; or
(iii) To take selfish advantage of the Trust bestowed or deal with the subject-matter of the Trust
in such a way as to personally benefit or prejudice another; or
(iv) To engage in sharp business practices; or
(v) Make any false or misleading information to any Trustor or Beneficiary associated with the
Trust; or
(vi) To deliberately or accidentally withhold information from any Trustor or Beneficiary; or
(vii) To engage in unfair advantage or profit taking; or
(viii) To act in any manner of forgetfulness or negligence against the other persons standing in
such a Trust relation.

Canon 7022
A Trustee that willfully and deliberately engages in a manner forbidden by the characteristic of
Integrity is guilty of a major breach of trust.

Canon 7023
A Trustee cannot hold such office in the absence of personal integrity or proof of engaging in a
manner forbidden by the characteristic of Integrity.

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